Knowledge Hub
To support reproductive health advocates across the globe, Global Doctors for Choice (GDC) has gathered resources related to advocacy with the aim of influencing policies, guidelines, and laws to improve access to care.
Please note that this is not a comprehensive list and does not necessarily reflect GDC’s position. We will continue to gather and add resources, and invite you to contact us to suggest resources.
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The Right to Conscience: Annotated Bibliography
Conscientious Objection Resource Types: Publications
This annotated bibliography on conscientious objection includes domestic court decisions, treaty resources, policy guidance, publications in various languages that can support abortion rights advocates with language and real case studies to counter refusals to provide abortion. Some resources are in Spanish, English, and Portuguese.
Regulation of Conscientious Objection to Abortion: An International Comparative Multiple Case-Study
June 2017
Conscientious Objection Resource Types: Publications
This multiple-case study explored the laws and policies that permit conscientious objection and ensure access to legal abortion services in England, Norway, Italy, and Portugal. England, Norway, and Portugal illustrate that it is possible to accommodate individuals who object to providing abortion, while still assuring that women have access to legal health care services.
Striking a Balance: Conscientious Objection and Reproductive Health Care from the Colombian Perspective
February 2014
Conscientious Objection Resource Types: Publications
"This paper reviews Latin American lines of regulation in Argentina, Uruguay, and Mexico City to argue that the Colombian Court’s jurisprudence offers a strong guidance for future comprehensive policy approaches that aim to effectively balance tensions between CO and women’s reproductive rights."
The Mothers on Respect (MOR) Index: Measuring Quality, Safety, and Human Rights in Childbirth
December 2017
Disrespect and Mistreatment during Pregnancy, SRH Education Resource Types: Publications
MOR is a scale developed to assess the nature of respectful patient-provider interactions and their impact on a person’s sense of comfort, behavior, and perceptions of racism or discrimination.
The Mother’s Autonomy in Decision Making (MADM) scale: Patient-led development and psychometric testing of a new instrument to evaluate experience of maternity care
February 2017
Disrespect and Mistreatment during Pregnancy Resource Types: Publications
MADM is a scale developed to assess women’s experiences with maternity care. MADM measures women’s ability to lead decision making, whether they are given enough time to consider their options, and whether their choices are respected.
Averting Maternal Death and Disability (AMDD)
Disrespect and Mistreatment during Pregnancy, Trusted Reproductive Health Organizations Resource Types: Websites
AMDD provides a wide variety of resources and published articles for health care practitioners, policy makers, and the public on emergency obstetric care, health care training, quality improvement, program planning, etc in maternal and reproductive health.
Respectful Maternity Care Posters
Disrespect and Mistreatment during Pregnancy Resource Types: Publications
Health care professionals can display these posters for patients to remind themselves of their rights to safe motherhood and respectful, dignified treatment.
Measuring Advocacy for Policy Change: The Case for Respectful Maternity Care
August 2014
Advocacy Case Studies, Disrespect and Mistreatment during Pregnancy Resource Types: Publications
"This is a working background brief prepared to support the respectful maternity care technical meeting, convened by MHTF and USAID|TRAction. The brief gives a background, an introduction, indicator examples, challenges/lessons learned and next steps to measuring policy advocacy."
Respectful Maternity Care: Final Meeting Report
August 2014
Disrespect and Mistreatment during Pregnancy Resource Types: Publications
"This report summarizes the dialogue between meeting participants of the fields of respectful maternity care (RMC) and policy advocacy as they wrestled with and discussed ideas to bring approaches from policy advocacy to the field of respectful maternity care, and how successes in doing so might be measured."
Integrating Respectful Maternity Care into Quality Improvement Initiatives
July 2017
Disrespect and Mistreatment during Pregnancy Resource Types: Websites
This webinar reviews the WHO Safe Childbirth Checklist as a quality improvement tool, educates on basic principles and issues related to respectful maternity care, discusses how respectful maternity care relates to quality of care, and explores strategies for integrating respectful maternity care into quality improvement initiatives.