Knowledge Hub
To support reproductive health advocates across the globe, Global Doctors for Choice (GDC) has gathered resources related to advocacy with the aim of influencing policies, guidelines, and laws to improve access to care.
Please note that this is not a comprehensive list and does not necessarily reflect GDC’s position. We will continue to gather and add resources, and invite you to contact us to suggest resources.
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Access to Safe Abortion: A Tool for Assessing Legal and Other Obstacles
May 2012
Political Mapping Resource Types: Publications
This assessment tool can be used to help identify and analyze legal and other obstacles in a country or setting that make access to safe abortion difficult or nearly impossible. This resource is available in English, French, and Arabic.
The Abortion Option: A Values Clarification Guide for Health Professionals
Abortion Stigma Info & Mitigation Resource Types: Trainings
These exercises are "designed to help health care professionals to clarify their personal values about pregnancy options and abortion, and to think about those values in the context of their professional roles and responsibilities. This guide can be used by individuals or in groups and is appropriate for the wide range of health care professionals who provide care to women experiencing unintended pregnancies.”
Abortion Care for Young Women: A Training Toolkit
Advocacy Tools Resource Types: Trainings
"This toolkit is designed to provide information and guidance on delivering and ensuring access to appropriate induced abortion care for young women" for health care providers, trainers, administrators, and technical advisors of abortion programs. It focuses more on advocacy, partnerships, and service delivery than clinical care.
Youth Act for Safe Abortion: A Training Guide for Future Health Professionals
September 2014
Advocacy Tools Resource Types: Trainings
This guide by IPAS is for future health professionals who want to learn about and engage in abortion issues. The modules provide strategies for advancing abortion rates and builds skills in advocacy, peer education, and abortion accompaniment.
Family Planning Advocacy Toolkit
July 2018
Advocacy Tools Resource Types: Websites
This toolkit "provides advocates at all levels, including international, national, and community leaders, with the information and tools they need to make the case for improved access to voluntary family planning."
Advocacy Approaches to Promote Midwives and the Profession of Midwifery
September 2013
Advocacy Case Studies Resource Types: Publications
This publication explores how advocacy strategies like influencing policymakers, involving the media, engaging youth, mobilizing the community, and strengthening the capacity of midwives as advocates can lead to a more supportive environment for midwives and ultimately better maternity care and birth outcomes.
Gender Service Delivery Standards: Tool and Facilitation Guide
March 2018
SRH Education Resource Types: Trainings
"This tool assesses the quality of facility’s provision of gender-sensitive, respectful care. It is designed for health providers, facility managers and central, provincial/regional or district health managers who want to improve the services for which they are directly responsible."
The Duty to Make Abortion Law Transparent: A Malawi Case Study
July 2018
Advocacy Case Studies Resource Types: Publications
This article uses a case study to “discuss the obligations of the government and the implications on the realization of the right of girls and women to access safe and legal
Abortion Network Amsterdam
Trusted Reproductive Health Organizations Resource Types: Websites
This group in Amsterdam and Utrecht support women having abortions in the Netherlands. They organize appointments in clinics, translate, and host women.
Abortion Books
Trusted Reproductive Health Organizations Resource Types: Websites
This is a curated list of books about abortion from over 30 countries in 9 languages, mostly in French, German, and Spanish.