Knowledge Hub
To support reproductive health advocates across the globe, Global Doctors for Choice (GDC) has gathered resources related to advocacy with the aim of influencing policies, guidelines, and laws to improve access to care.
Please note that this is not a comprehensive list and does not necessarily reflect GDC’s position. We will continue to gather and add resources, and invite you to contact us to suggest resources.
To view how we defined the Topics and Resource Types, please click here.
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Medication Abortion
April 2016
SRH Education Resource Types: Websites
This site by Ibis Reproductive Health and Cambridge Reproductive Health Consultants provides medically accurate information about medication abortion and availability of medication abortion to researchers, providers, and patients. It’s available in multiple languages.
Medical Abortion Guidebook
SRH Education Resource Types: Publications
This tool is for health care providers and policy makers who are interested in the introduction of medical methods for safe termination of early pregnancy. This resource is available in Arabic, English, French, Indonesian, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish, Tamil, Turkish, and Vietnamese.
Clinical Practice Handbook for Safe Abortion
SRH Education Resource Types: Publications
This guide by the WHO is intended to facilitate the practical application of clinical recommendations from “Safe Abortion: Technical and Policy Guidance for Health Systems.” Recommendations aim to enable evidence-based decision-making with respect to safe abortion care, while legal, regulatory, policy, and service-delivery contexts may various across countries and communities.
Early Pregnancy Loss
SRH Education Resource Types: Websites
This video course on miscarriage, or early pregnancy loss, can help providers review the similarities between management of early pregnancy loss and early abortion, as well as describe patient-centered counseling for EPL. There are also free iBook versions of the video-based curriculum.
IPAS University
SRH Education Resource Types: Websites
This website by IPAS includes a range of courses on safe abortion care in English and Spanish.
Medical Abortion Reference Guide: Induced Abortion and Post abortion Care at or After 13 Weeks Gestation
August 2018
SRH Education Resource Types: Publications
“This reference guide provides information and recommendations based on evidence for medical abortion at or after 13 weeks’ gestation.”
Medication Abortion Study Guide
July 2013
SRH Education Resource Types: Publications
This guide by IPAS describes the use of medications for first trimester abortions to prepare providers for practicing their skills in medical abortion training programs.
Family Planning: A Global Handbook for Providers
February 2018
SRH Education Resource Types: Publications, Trainings
"The Global Handbook offers clear, up-to-date information and advice to help providers meet clients’ needs and inform their choice and use of contraception. The Handbook is also an excellent resource for training and can help to reinforce supervision."
Maternal Health Online Courses
SRH Education Resource Types: Websites
The Maternal Health Task Force has compiled a list of helpful online courses covering key topics related to maternal health and sexual and reproductive rights.
Free Uterus Zine
Abortion Stigma Info & Mitigation, Communicating about SRHR Resource Types: Publications
“Have you ever stopped to think how abortion has been represented and narrated in society, but especially in the mainstream media? The right to communicate and debate on abortion was