Knowledge Hub
To support reproductive health advocates across the globe, Global Doctors for Choice (GDC) has gathered resources related to advocacy with the aim of influencing policies, guidelines, and laws to improve access to care.
Please note that this is not a comprehensive list and does not necessarily reflect GDC’s position. We will continue to gather and add resources, and invite you to contact us to suggest resources.
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Center for Reproductive Rights: Legal Cases
Health Exception, Trusted Reproductive Health Organizations Resource Types: Websites
This Center for Reproductive Rights webpage provides links to abortion-related legal cases including the health exception.
Advocacy Expert Series: Building and Maintaining Networks and Coalitions
Partnerships & Collaborations Resource Types: Publications, Trainings
This guide, developed by Pact Tanzania and supported by USAID Tanzania, “explains the differences and similarities between networks and coalitions; provides a basic outline on the formation of each as
Building strong human rights partnerships and coalitions
January 2014
Partnerships & Collaborations Resource Types: Trainings
This page offers a variety of resources, including strategies, tips, articles, websites, videos, case studies, and worksheets for building human rights partnerships and coalitions.
Networking and coalition building for health advocacy: advancing country ownership
April 2013
Partnerships & Collaborations Resource Types: Publications, Trainings
This USAID, PEPFAR, and Health Policy Project brief is “designed to provide leaders of civil society organizations (CSOs) with guidance on working within networks and coalitions to advocate for improved
Coalition Building to End VAW
Partnerships & Collaborations Resource Types: Publications
This UN webpage offers tips for advocacy coalition building and offers two brief case studies.
Developing Effective Coalitions: An Eight Step Guide
Partnerships & Collaborations Resource Types: Publications, Trainings
This “is a framework for engaging individuals, organizations, and governmental partners in addressing community concerns. It offers concrete steps towards building effective partnerships, and provides tips for making collaborations and
Joining Forces: A Guide for Forming, Joining and Building Political Coalitions
October 2004
Partnerships & Collaborations Resource Types: Publications, Trainings
This guide offers a series of questions for political parties and organizations to consider as they determine whether to join coalitions. “It describes successful and unsuccessful political coalitions, the challenges
Tools for progressive policy change: Lessons learned from Ethiopia’s abortion law reform
Partnerships & Collaborations Resource Types: Publications
“This four-page fact sheet discusses how Ipas and other advocacy groups worked to successfully lobby to reform Ethiopia’s abortion laws in 2005. Topics discussed include: Ethiopia’s laws, constitution and parliament;
An Abortion in Brazil
Health Exception Resource Types: Publications
This Catholics for Choice article describes the 2009 Brazil case of two healthcare providers who were excommunicated by the Brazilian Catholic Church for providing an abortion to a 12 year
Putting families first: How California won the fight for paid family leave
Partnerships & Collaborations Resource Types: Publications
This is example of successful coalition advocacy. “This case study provides an overview of the key conditions, events, and decisions that led to making paid family leave a reality in