Knowledge Hub
To support reproductive health advocates across the globe, Global Doctors for Choice (GDC) has gathered resources related to advocacy with the aim of influencing policies, guidelines, and laws to improve access to care.
Please note that this is not a comprehensive list and does not necessarily reflect GDC’s position. We will continue to gather and add resources, and invite you to contact us to suggest resources.
To view how we defined the Topics and Resource Types, please click here.
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Access for Everybody: Disability Inclusion in Abortion and Contraceptive Care
SRH Education Resource Types: Publications
Ipas conducted a literature review and key informant interviews to begin to address evidence gaps in safe abortion and access to contraceptive care for people with disabilities. This report presents the findings and
IYAFP Resources For Youth, By Youth
Trusted Reproductive Health Organizations Resource Types: Websites
IYAFP enables youth from around the world to contribute their voices and lead community interventions on family planning and sexual and reproductive health and rights (SRHR).This page provides a variety
Liftoff: The Blossoming of Contraceptive Implant Use in Africa
October 2017
SRH Education Resource Types: Publications
This article shares highlights from national surveys of every sub-Saharan African country with results published between 2015-2017 to explore recent and longer-term changes in modern contraceptive prevalence rate (mCPR), method-specific
She Knows Best: Engaging Girls in Adolescent Programming
March 2018
SRH Education Resource Types: Publications
IRC shares a resource documenting their experience expanding access to SRH care to adolescents in DRC.
Abortion Worldwide 2017: Uneven Progress and Unequal Access
March 2018
SRH Education Resource Types: Publications
A comprehensive new report released by Guttmacher highlights ongoing disparities in abortion rates and in access to safe abortion services in developing and developed regions. The report, pulls together the
Building Bridges A Case for Community Health Worker Provision of Misoprostol-Only Abortion in the First Trimester
October 2017
SRH Education Resource Types: Publications
Building Bridges demonstrates that Community Health Workers are able to provide misoprostol-only abortion services to women effectively and safely. The benefits of this model of care also extend beyond the abortion
Abortion Conversation Projects
Abortion Stigma Info & Mitigation, Trusted Reproductive Health Organizations Resource Types: Websites
Abortion Conversation Projects is committed to eliminating the stigma of abortion. This webpage contains materials about having abortion conversations in public and private spaces. Their website contains valuable resources on abortion, conversations, storytelling, and stigma.
Asian Safe Abortion Partnership
Trusted Reproductive Health Organizations Resource Types: Websites
This network of partners in Asia works to build the capacity of country-level organizations in abortion advocacy. Their website provides resources on abortion information, working with the media, campaign ideas,
Advancing New Standards in Reproductive Health (ANSIRH)
Trusted Reproductive Health Organizations Resource Types: Websites
ANSIRH conducts innovative, rigorous, multidisciplinary research on complex issues related to people’s sexual and reproductive lives. Their website contains publications, research, and resources around abortion and comprehensive reproductive health in
Sexuality and Disability
Trusted Reproductive Health Organizations Resource Types: Websites
This website is constructed as a list of questions a woman with a disability might have – about her body, the mechanics and dynamics of having sex, the complexities of