Knowledge Hub
To support reproductive health advocates across the globe, Global Doctors for Choice (GDC) has gathered resources related to advocacy with the aim of influencing policies, guidelines, and laws to improve access to care.
Please note that this is not a comprehensive list and does not necessarily reflect GDC’s position. We will continue to gather and add resources, and invite you to contact us to suggest resources.
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Dr. Willy Parker (Articles)
Conscientious Objection Resource Types: Websites
Dr. Willy Parker is an outspoken abortion provider and advocate who grounds his vision of reproductive rights in his Christian faith. This website links to articles by and about him
Dr. Willy Parker (Videos)
Conscientious Objection Resource Types: Websites
Dr. Willy Parker is an outspoken abortion provider and advocate who grounds his vision of reproductive rights in his Christian faith. This website links to videos of him sharing his
Divisions, New and Old – Conscience and Religious Freedom at HHS
April 2018
Conscientious Objection Resource Types: Publications
Dr. Harris writes a poignant opinion piece to call upon healthcare providers, across the political spectrum, to avoid furthering polarizing positions on abortion and conscience. Rather, conscience requires self-reflection and
Expert Testimony: Case of Alyne de Silva Pimentel vs. Brazil Government
Advocacy Case Studies Resource Types: Publications
This case study demonstrates the importance of expert testimony in holding governments accountable for upholding women’s human rights and access to quality reproductive and maternal health services.
The Philippines’ New Postabortion Care Policy
January 2018
SRH Education Resource Types: Publications
Following strong human rights advocacy, the Philippine government introduced a new policy to strengthen the national framework for postabortion care, “clarifying the legal and ethical duties of health service providers
Realising the right to sexual and reproductive health: access to essential medicines for medical abortion as a core obligation
February 2018
SRH Education Resource Types: Publications
This article argues how mifepristone and misoprostol should be reclassified as a ‘core’ essential medicine on the WHO Essential Medicines list. “Continuing to subjugate essential medicines for medical abortion to
National Constitutions: Global survey of national constitutions: mapping constitutional commitments to sexual and reproductive health and rights
December 2017
SRH Education Resource Types: Publications
This study “analyzes domestic constitutions around the world to investigate whether and to what extent the right to sexual and reproductive health is respected, protected, and fulfilled; to what extent
Developing strategies to address contraceptive needs of adolescents: exploring patterns of use among sexually active adolescents in 46 low- and middle-income countries
March 2018
SRH Education Resource Types: Publications
This article explores the patterns of adolescents’ need for contraception in 46 low- and middle-income countries. While there is no single strategy to address adolescents’ contraceptive needs, country programs may
Oriéntame (Orient Me)
Trusted Reproductive Health Organizations Resource Types: Websites
This Colombian NGO has a virtual library with academic and technical materials published by different institutions, and videos, that provide a guide about sexual and reproductive health in Colombia and
Safe Abortion Information Hotlines: An Effective Strategy for Increasing Women’s Access to Safe Abortions in Latin America
July 2015
SRH Education Resource Types: Publications
This paper describes the implementation of five Safe Abortion Information Hotlines (SAIH), a strategy developed by feminist collectives in a growing number of countries where abortion is legally restricted and