Knowledge Hub
To support reproductive health advocates across the globe, Global Doctors for Choice (GDC) has gathered resources related to advocacy with the aim of influencing policies, guidelines, and laws to improve access to care.
Please note that this is not a comprehensive list and does not necessarily reflect GDC’s position. We will continue to gather and add resources, and invite you to contact us to suggest resources.
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Consolidated Guideline on Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights of Women Living with HIV
SRH Education Resource Types: Publications
This WHO guideline includes new recommendations and best practices for protecting the sexual and reproductive rights of women living with HIV/AIDS. It emphasizes creating enabling environments to support effective health
Health Actions for Women
July 2005
SRH Education Resource Types: Publications, Trainings
“This guide offers proven strategies to help women and men facilitate community discussions and action, even in challenging settings where organizing for women’s health is difficult or dangerous.” It’s available
Where Women Have no Doctor
SRH Education Resource Types: Publications
This book “is an essential resource for women and for health workers interested in understanding, treating and preventing health problems that only affect women, or affect women differently from men.
“Restoring the Natural Order”: The Religious Extremists’ Vision to Mobilize European Societies against Human Rights on Sexuality and Reproduction
April 2018
SRH Education Resource Types: Publications
This book reveals that “campaigners from the US and Europe have been strategizing ‘achievable goals’ to roll back human rights in Europe since 2013. Documents have recently emerged showing a
Z vs. Poland Case Study
Advocacy Case Studies Resource Types: GDC Resources, Trainings
This advocacy case study describes a real-life case in Poland in which a pregnant woman with ulcerative colitis died as a result of being denied access to comprehensive medical care because her doctors were afraid
Values Clarification Workshop by Reproductive Health Access Project
February 2013
Abortion Stigma Info & Mitigation Resource Types: Trainings
“This curriculum provides staff who are new to the provision of abortion care an opportunity to assess their attitudes and beliefs regarding the issues surrounding abortion.” This workshop can be
Development of a Conceptual Model and a Survey Instrument to Measure Conscientious Objection to Abortion Provision
October 2016
Conscientious Objection Resource Types: GDC Resources
“A quantitative instrument is needed to assess prevalence of conscientious objection and to provide insight on its practice. This paper describes the development of a survey instrument to measure conscientious objection
Prevalence of Conscientious Objection to Legal Abortion among Clinicians in Northern Ghana
October 2017
Conscientious Objection Resource Types: GDC Resources
This GDC publication assesses “the prevalence of conscientious objection (CO), motivations, knowledge of Ghana’s abortion law, attitudes, and behaviors toward abortion provision among medical providers in northern Ghana, and measures
Health Exception: Legal Abortion, Ethics, and Human Rights
November 2016
Health Exception Resource Types: Publications
This document by the Alianza Nacional por el Derecho a Decidir (National Alliance for Choice) deals extensively and with various ideas related to the interpretation of the health exception and
Diagnosing Discrimination
April 2018
Conscientious Objection Resource Types: Publications
“Health care professionals across the country are fired, threatened, and otherwise punished for providing abortion services, seeking abortion training, or engaging in advocacy around abortion. This report aims to assist