Knowledge Hub
To support reproductive health advocates across the globe, Global Doctors for Choice (GDC) has gathered resources related to advocacy with the aim of influencing policies, guidelines, and laws to improve access to care.
Please note that this is not a comprehensive list and does not necessarily reflect GDC’s position. We will continue to gather and add resources, and invite you to contact us to suggest resources.
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GynMed Clinic for Abortion and Family Planning
Trusted Reproductive Health Organizations Resource Types: Websites
This resource allows women to search for clinics to obtain a later-term abortion in the Netherlands, Great Britain, and Sweden. It’s available in many languages.
Gynmed Clinic Vienna
Trusted Reproductive Health Organizations Resource Types: Websites
This website, maintained by Gynmed Clinic Vienna, allows patients to locate abortion providers and clinics in Europe, as well as to read information on abortion services. Providers can easily update
What is Conscientious Objection? Reflections from Bioethics to Human Rights
May 2016
Conscientious Objection Resource Types: GDC Resources
This presentation discusses conscientious objection in the context of bioethics and human rights. She describes CO and its relationship to bioethics, explains what it is and is not, addresses the tension between patients' and providers' rights, and articulate how CO falls within a human rights framework. This resource is in Spanish.
Improper Use of Conscientious Objection in Bogotá, Colombia, Presents a Barrier to Safe, Legal Abortion Care
Conscientious Objection Resource Types: GDC Resources
GDC/Colombia released a statement in response to an article describing spectrums of conscientious objection in Colombia. GDC/Colombia discusses how the use of conscientious objection without facilitating timely and appropriate healthcare services
Between messages and audiences: How to speak about access to safe abortion?
June 2018
Abortion Stigma Info & Mitigation Resource Types: Publications
This blog post discusses how we as advocates can frame our message to overcome abortion stigma and communicate that message to as many people as possible. It also links to interesting regional advocacy initiatives working to dismantle abortion stigma. This resource is in Spanish.
Stigma on Abortion Providers in Colombia
October 2016
Abortion Stigma Info & Mitigation Resource Types: GDC Resources
Maria Vivas from GDC/Colombia discusses stigma associated with providing abortion, the consequences of such stigma, and asserts that abortion providers are truly the ones defending the true principles of medicine because they provide women with safe health services that they have the right to receive. This resource is in Spanish.
The Case of Julia: Sexual Violence as an Exception for Abortion in Colombia
December 2013
Health Exception Resource Types: GDC Resources
This resource by GDC/Colombia presents a case study of Julia, a young woman who sought abortion under the exception of sexual violence. The case study discusses the barriers she had to face and proposes recommendations for future cases to respect women's decisions regarding their sexual and reproductive health. This resource is in Spanish.
Conscientious objection, barriers, and abortion in the case of rape: A study among physicians in Brazil
Conscientious Objection, SRH Education Resource Types: GDC Resources
"The aim of this study was to understand the practice and opinions about providing abortion in the case of rape among obstetricians-gynecologists in Brazil... The data suggest that women’s access to legal abortion is being blocked by these barriers in spite of the law."
The Refusal to Provide Health Care in Canada: A Look at “Conscientious Objection” Policies in Canadian Health Care
Conscientious Objection Resource Types: Publications
This position paper discusses why conscientious objection in healthcare is unethical and is incompatible with true conscientious objection in the military. It concludes with strategies to stop this refusal to
Unconscionable: When Providers Deny Abortion Care
June 2018
Conscientious Objection Resource Types: Publications
This report is informed by the Convening on Conscientious Objection: Strategies to Counter the Effects where 45 participants from 22 countries "discussed the consequences of the refusal of care by health care providers claiming a moral or religious objection, possible legal and policy responses to arrest this trend, and the need to reframe the way so-called conscientious objection is understood in the context of healthcare." The report presents key points and strategies discussed at the convening, with practical recommendations.