Knowledge Hub: Categorization of Resource Topics & Types

Below is a guide to how the resources in the Knowledge Hub are categorized by Topic and Types.


Abortion Stigma Info & Mitigation
Resources that provide information about abortion stigma in communities and healthcare settings, and resources to help respond to abortion stigma through community-based or health center-based interventions, values clarification materials, health worker trainings, storytelling, and research and measurement.

Advocacy Case Studies
Case studies and examples of advocacy by healthcare providers in abortion, contraception, and other SRHR issues in clinical settings, communities, and/or larger political contexts.

Advocacy Tools
Resources that support providers to lead and conduct advocacy efforts and activities in their clinical settings, community, and/or larger political context.

Communication about SRHR
Resources that discuss the development and/or usage of media and communications-related advocacy strategies and tools, such as publications, television, radio, peer educators, blogs, videos, fact sheets, messaging, interviews, social media, etc. in relation to sexual and reproductive health and rights.

Conscientious Objection
Resources that discuss the meaning of conscientious objection in sexual and reproductive healthcare, its implications and impacts, its implementation in practice, ways healthcare providers and systems can address or counter it, and its ethical implications.

Health Exception
Resources that explicitly discuss the meaning of the health exception in abortion policy, usage of the health exception in advocacy, litigation, and medical practice, and the implications of using the health exception to expand access to safe, legal abortion.

Obstetric Violence
Resources that discuss the meaning of obstetric violence and any kind harm that occurs to women in childbirth, prenatal care, abortion care, and/or post-abortion care, how medical providers and institutions can address obstetric violence, and the legal frameworks that exist to protect women’s rights to seek medical care with dignity and free of violence.

Partnerships & Collaborations
Resources that discuss how to form, build, sustain and work with partnerships, groups, coalitions, and/or stakeholders for advocacy.

Physician Advocacy
Resources that support healthcare providers to lead and conduct advocacy efforts and activities in their clinical settings, community, and/or larger political context

Political Mapping
Resources that discuss how advocates can analyze and understand their political, societal, and legal context before undergoing an advocacy campaign, how to design an advocacy strategy, and how to utilize advocacy frameworks in designing such a strategy

SRH Education
Peer-reviewed manuscripts and articles published in reputable journals, white papers, briefs, fact sheets, evaluations, research studies, and discussions from trusted organizations and/or researchers that utilize quantitative and/or qualitative methods to gather data, national clinical protocols on SRH, and SRH clinical education.

Trusted Reproductive Health Organizations
Organizations and websites trusted by GDC that offer resources, information, and connections to providers interested in learning more about advocacy, research, programs, services, and comprehensive sexual and reproductive health in the U.S. and around the world.


GDC Publications
Any resource that was explicitly written, developed, or published by Global Doctors for Choice, including members of GDC Global Action Centers.

Includes peer reviewed articles, white papers, reports, fact sheets, policy briefs, postings, discussions, manuscripts, and summaries from trusted organizations, periodicals, journals, and/or researchers.

A resource that teaches, educates, instructs, or strengthens the capacity of individuals and organizations to conduct advocacy activities. Includes toolkits, manuals, curricula, and webinars.

A link or page on the Internet

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Advocating for access to safe reproductive health care for all.